Also im gonna show you a oc thing i made bc why not :^ his is muchai, a 17 yearold they/it she has a little soster and they love in a world of monsters that fill on the blood of humans,
I have a idea a little crazy but cool. can you add a body type option? You can make the behind the knees smaller or less wide or u can make ur character fat skinny and more! And maybe cool poses sorry if we're pushing u Alot I just have alot.of ideas :]
It's fine I can try to do that but if I can that will probably in future updates but I might not..I'll try to see what happens lol sorry for bad grammar I'm just lazy to put good Grammar
Ik you probsbly cant do this but could you add the color wheel or infinite color pallete or whatever thats called- it would be so cool and maybe you could make it where you cant go near skintones on pants or shirts? Could you also add scrunchies? Also maybe new poses like 1 hand on hip. Sorry if im going too crazy with this ik you probably can't do this-
I can try to do that custom color, and yes I'll try to add scrunchies for both wrist and hair, I'll try to make new poses like hands behind back,one hand on the hip for both left&right and hands up like the characters are fixing/making their hair and more ^^
yoooo im so excited! Also, can you add new hands, mouths and sleeves? As well as jackets and tails? ^^ sorry if i ask to much, there is not much tk pick from thoes 5 things, as well as ehst the other people said lol
^^ mk! My first idea was baggy sleeves lol i have a few drawings of tails and hands, that ypu can use! Oh btw fpr more stuff (sorry im being a bit annoying rn) your can friend me on roblox: sleepy_lemonluku
Thank youuuuuuu btw my name is Zero lol- make sure you take breaks and drink water and jave snacks every once in a while
baggy sleeves yesss good idea and oo am I able to see the drawings 👀 and I'll send a request on roblox and I'm definitely taking a break I have a heat warning for Wed and Thursday lol up to 40 ;w;
Can you Add a McDonald's happy meal prop? And some oversized shirts if u can and maybe. Some New colors. or hair and some new pants. Sorry if I'm asking Alot I just. need a good Mod :>
I will try to add McDonald's happy meal and other items from McDonald's and yes I'm planning to add oversized shirts and new pants such as baggy pants and more I'll try new hair and new colors..and it's fine I'm also adding new skirts,dresses,eyes and much more^^
Don't worry I am I'm also adding dresses new skirts,hats, eyes,sleeves,shoulder acc,wrist acc and much more I'm changing most thing in every acc in the game ;)
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Sorry for the pressure and comment's we just have so many ideas lol
So much comments lol and I just uploaded this yesterday and still working on it from before uploading and after 😅
anddd there is one- its so bad lol
How many comments are there actually
Jwjaiakaiksikswijsis don't mind me being lazy
Um can you add one of this pls 💀
Yes I can try to add all :D
Also im gonna show you a oc thing i made bc why not :^ his is muchai, a 17 yearold they/it she has a little soster and they love in a world of monsters that fill on the blood of humans,

Oo nice
Here's mine :> I might aswell show mine aswell lol
I love yourssssss
I have a idea a little crazy but cool. can you add a body type option? You can make the behind the knees smaller or less wide or u can make ur character fat skinny and more! And maybe cool poses sorry if we're pushing u Alot I just have alot.of ideas :]
It's fine I can try to do that but if I can that will probably in future updates but I might not..I'll try to see what happens lol sorry for bad grammar I'm just lazy to put good Grammar
I might start posting updates on how the progress is going on YouTube >>if I do I'll link it to here<< lol
💀 yt link pls
mk tho I have nothing on it rn lol I have to add stuff since I deleted everything lmao
O| |O
Ik you probsbly cant do this but could you add the color wheel or infinite color pallete or whatever thats called- it would be so cool and maybe you could make it where you cant go near skintones on pants or shirts? Could you also add scrunchies? Also maybe new poses like 1 hand on hip. Sorry if im going too crazy with this ik you probably can't do this-
I can try to do that custom color, and yes I'll try to add scrunchies for both wrist and hair, I'll try to make new poses like hands behind back,one hand on the hip for both left&right and hands up like the characters are fixing/making their hair and more ^^
Yay thank you!
yoooo im so excited! Also, can you add new hands, mouths and sleeves? As well as jackets and tails? ^^ sorry if i ask to much, there is not much tk pick from thoes 5 things, as well as ehst the other people said lol
I will I'm planning to add/change mist things in the game and add dresses/suits, and yes I'll try to add new tails and jackets maybe hands lol
^^ mk! My first idea was baggy sleeves lol i have a few drawings of tails and hands, that ypu can use! Oh btw fpr more stuff (sorry im being a bit annoying rn) your can friend me on roblox: sleepy_lemonluku
Thank youuuuuuu btw my name is Zero lol- make sure you take breaks and drink water and jave snacks every once in a while
baggy sleeves yesss good idea and oo am I able to see the drawings 👀 and I'll send a request on roblox and I'm definitely taking a break I have a heat warning for Wed and Thursday lol up to 40 ;w;
ok! I think my drawings might be all done by tomorrow, i have 10 or more ideassssssss
Lmk when it's done :D
I will
Can you Add a McDonald's happy meal prop? And some oversized shirts if u can and maybe. Some New colors. or hair and some new pants. Sorry if I'm asking Alot I just. need a good Mod :>
I will try to add McDonald's happy meal and other items from McDonald's and yes I'm planning to add oversized shirts and new pants such as baggy pants and more I'll try new hair and new colors..and it's fine I'm also adding new skirts,dresses,eyes and much more^^
Thank you so much :>
Welcome to MC Donalds
Wait- McDonald's bg
Can't wait until you release it^^ Remember to take breaks.
I definitely will take breaks lol
ill wait for this
I can't wait until it's done
Lmk when it's done I can't wait
I'll let you know ;w;
thank you :)
Don't worry I am I'm also adding dresses new skirts,hats, eyes,sleeves,shoulder acc,wrist acc and much more I'm changing most thing in every acc in the game ;)
add shirt.96 from gacha life pls
I will^
I Read Title I Can Wait
Im'ma wait for this even tho my space is ded :']
Same here
what same-
We're running out of storage
Wym I have lots of storage I'm not running out of storage:)
Lucky u have many space left 💀
yes yes and if I run out of space I got another phone and extra storage sim card 😌
im running out of space 💀😭
it ruined the quality lol
Make it sure that we dond need to delete the og gacha
I will make sure it doesn't
*Don't *